2022 Events: Table of Contents
Gendering Transitional Justice: Between Theory and Practice
Jerusalem, 15 December
Hebrew followed by English
סימפוזיון בנושא היבטים מקומיים ובינלאומיים של מגדר וצדק מעברי, הראשון כחלק מסדרה משותפת חדשה של סימפוזיונים נושא מגדר וצדק מעברי של מרכז מינרבה לזכויות האדם בפקולטה למשפטים, ופורום סופי דייויס לחקר מגדר, סכסוכים ויישובם במכון ליחסים בינלאומיים ע"ש לאונרד דיוויס, באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים.
Symposium entitled Gendering Transitional Justice - Local and Comparative Perspectives. The symposium is the first in a new series: Gendering Transitional Justice – between Theory and Practice, in collaboration with Sophie Davis Forum on Gender, Conflict Resolution and Peace at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Minerva Center for Human Rights.
To view the full program - press here.
To the photo gallery - press here.
Session 2
Session 3
The 17th Annual Minerva Conference on International Humanitarian Law
The War against Ukraine and IHL
Jerusalem, 13-14 November 2022
To view the full program - press here.
To the photo gallery - press here.
Greetings and Session 1
Sessio 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Jerusalem, 30 October.
Transitional Justice - A Time for a Material Turn?
(On-line Conference, 13-14 June)
There has been a renewed interest and increasing discussion in recent years regarding the material aspects of justice. Diverse grassroot movements, organizations and individuals are advocating to ensure material justice in addressing the subsistence needs of victims of armed conflicts; recognizing the continuing impacts of slavery and colonization; or in dealing with the destruction of the ecological environment and the climate crisis within the definition of crimes against humanity.
In the multidisciplinary field of Transitional Justice, material aspects have been marginalized until recently. The diverse practices, initiatives, and bodies of transitional justice aim to support processes of political transitions and facilitate the complex dealing with wide-ranging injustices. Nonetheless, as the field focused on atrocities and criminal prosecutions, material abuses and wrongdoings were sidelined. Material aspects of the transition processes – from material reparations, guarantees of non-recurrence and distributive reforms, through cultural restoration and restitution or the material aspects of testimony and remembrance, to the materiality of establishing civic solidarity, friendship or democratic trust – have also received a more limited attention.
The conference seeks to address these material aspects, in order to reexamine and challenge our underlying assumptions of justice, transition, and reparations.
The full conference program is available here.
Watch on Youtube | Day 1
Watch on Youtube | Day 2
Place Names as an Arena in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and as a Lever for Peace (16 May)
The conference looked at how the names of places in Israel reflect and also serve cultural, social and political processes. What cultural roles and political interests does place-naming serve? What roles does it play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and in shaping the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians? And what developments in the field of place-naming could promote inclusive politics and reconciliation between the nations in the future?
Politics and International Justice: A Look at the International Criminal Court (15 March)
The Minerva Center for Human Rights was honored to celebrate the continuation of the Bob and Sally Shafton Memorial Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series. The annual series is made possible by a generous gift to the Center from the Levenfeld family of Jerusalem in honor of their parents/grandparents, the late Bob and Sally Shafton of Los Angeles - and will enable the Center to annually host a prominent human rights scholar from the Los Angeles area for teaching, seminars and public lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Prof. Richard H. Steinberg, Jonathan D. Varat Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); 2021-22 Bob and Sally Shafton Memorial Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Minerva Center for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.