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The First Annual ChYRP International Conference on Children’s Rights - From Hopelessness to Hopefulness: Strengthening Children’s Rights and Well-being during and after Crisis

Jerusalem, 15-16 December 2024

Proposal submission deadlineSeptember 6th 2024

The recently-established Child and Youth Rights Program (ChYRP) at the Minerva Center for Human Rights, in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Faculty of Law, is holding an international conference to explore and promote the exchange of knowledge on transitioning from crisis to healing among children and adolescents in times of crisis and recovery. The conference will offer a child-focused, interdisciplinary, hopeful and future-oriented outlook. Attendance will be in person, but if circumstances do not permit, online participation will be accepted for individual attendees.

This will be the first in our new annual series of ChYRP international conferences on children’s rights.

Researchers in children’s rights, child well-being, childhood studies and related disciplines are invited to submit proposals for individual presentations or panel sessions related to the conference topics. Authors of selected proposals may be offered full or partial flight and accommodation expenses.

For the full program click here.