Cohort 2:
Moran Avital, "The Effect of Global Trends in the Human Rights Movement on the Israeli Campaign for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Strategies and Challenges" (Prof. Eitan Alimi, Political Science, HUJ; Prof. Uwe Flick, Political and Social Sciences, FUB)
Shani Bar-Tuvia, "International Diffusion of Norm Violation: The Case of Refugee Policies in Western Countries" (Dr. Galia Press-Barnathan, International Relations, HUJ; Prof. Thomas Risse, Political and Social Sciences, FUB)
Rona Dinur, "Relational Equality and Discrimination" (Prof. David Enoch and Prof. Moshe Halbertal, Philosophy, HUJ; Prof. Stephan Gosepath, Philosophy, FUB)
Hila Levi, "“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast": Understanding the World Bank's Partial Assimilation of Human Rights Norms through the Lens of Organizational Culture" (Prof. Moshe Hirsch, Law and International Relations, HUJ; Prof. Michael Zurn, Political and Social Sciences, FUB)
Magdalena Pacholska, "Complicity in International Law: Extending Accountability Matrix to International Organizations" (Prof. Moshe Hirsch, Law and International Relations, HUJ; Prof. Andreas Zimmerman, Law, Potsdam)
Bruck Teshome, "Recasting the Role of the State in Realizing the Human Right to Development in the Age of Globalisation" (Prof. Tomer Broude, Law and International Relations, HUJ; Prof. Helmut Aust, Law, FUB)
Postdoctoral fellow: Dr. Renana Keydar (Stanford University), “Is More Truth Better in Coming to Terms with the Past? On a Big Data Approach to Crimes of Atrocity”
Introductory seminar in Jerusalem for each incoming cohort
Each fall, the Hebrew University's Minerva Center for Human Rights brings together the new cohort of HR-UP doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows from FUB and HUJ for an intensive 2-week Introductory Seminar in Jerusalem. The aims of the seminar are to introduce the new cohort to HR-UP and its interdisciplinary approach; to enable the Fellows from the two universities to become acquainted with one another, and with the HR-UP faculty and staff, on both a personal and academic level, and to continue building connections that will form the basis of a fruitful collaboration throughout their involvement with the program; to allow each student to present his or her research to the group, and provide a forum for discussion and feedback from the other students, their advisors and researchers; to give the FUB students a first opportunity for personal acquaintance with their HUJI supervisors; to acquaint the students from FUB with Jerusalem and Israel; and to expose the students from both universities to a variety of human rights issues “in the field”. These goals are achieved through a demanding schedule of lectures, discussions, site visits and thematic field trips with dozens of leading academics and with civil society organizations. Some touristic and social events are also included.
Summer school in Berlin
Another important element of HR-UP is the 10-day summer school held annually in Berlin, in which all cohorts and many program faculty from both HUJ and FUB (as well as the HR-UP International Advisory Board) participate. The summer school includes presentations by each of the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows, lectures and workshops with top guest speakers, and site visits and field trips focusing on human rights issues in Germany.
Visit of the Mayor of Berlin to HR-UP in Jerusalem
During an official visit to Jerusalem, the Mayor of Berlin, Mr. Michael Mller, accompanied by President Alt of Freie Universitat, visited the Hebrew University on October 12, 2015, to meet with HR-UP students and staff. The President and the Rector of the Hebrew University hosted the event, which included presentations by Prof. Tomer Broude, Prof. Avner de Shalit and three HR-UP Doctoral Fellows.
Guest speakers at the HR-UP biweekly colloquia
Leading experts from diverse human rights-related fields are invited to present and discuss their work with the HR-UP students in the biweekly colloquia. Thanks to the videoconference technology, the speakers may be in either Berlin or Jerusalem, and the students from both universities participate in the discussion. Guest speakers at the HR-UP biweekly colloquia hosted in Jerusalem by the HUJ Center in 2014-2016 included:
Prof. Yuval Shany (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and UN Human Rights Committee), General Comment No. 35 on Article 9 ICCPR, Liberty and Security of Person
Adv. Marlon Weichert, Member of the Brazilian Amnesty Commission, The Report of the Brazilian National Truth Commission
Prof. Tomer Broude (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), The Financial Crises, Human Rights and Social Protest
Prof. Sir Nigel Rodley, University of Essex and Chair of the Human Rights Committee, The Treaty Body Strengthening Process
Dr. Re'em Segev (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Making Sense of Discrimination
Prof. Brian Langille (University of Toronto), Human Rights and Labor Rights
Prof. Ruth Rubio-Marin (European University Institute), Parity, Independence and Women’s Democracy
Prof. Andreas Zimmerman (University of Potsdam), The ICJ Decision in Croatia v. Serbia (Genocide)
Prof. Samuel Moyn (Harvard University), Human Rights Compliance Wars
Prof. Donald Horowitz (Duke University), Approaches to Interethnic Conciliation in Severely Divided Societies
Prof. Mila Versteeg (University of Virginia), Quantitative Research on Human Rights
Prof. Yifat Biton (College of Management), Limits of Equality and Virtues of Discrimination: Reconstructing Liberal Anti-discrimination Theory
Prof. Monica McWilliams (University of Ulster), Violence against Women in Times of Conflict
Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo (former Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court), International Criminal Law in the 21st Century: Learning from Reality
Prof. Ivana Jelic (University of Montenegro, Member of UN Human Rights Committee), Challenges of Human Rights Protection in States in Transition
Prof. Alon Confino (University of Virginia), 1948 and Human Rights: International Norms and Law of Self-Determination, Partitions and Forced Migration
Prof. Schirin Amir-Moazami (Freie Universitהt Berlin), Critical Hermeneutics, Situated Epistemologies and the Politics of Knowledge Production in the Field of Islam in Europe
Prof. Seyla Benhabib (Yale University), The New Sovereigntism and Transnational Law Many of these speakers were invited by the HUJ Center to also give public lectures, which were open to the broader HUJ academic community and to the public at large.